Are you ready for the challenges of the digital-agile era?

We prepare you with blended courses, expert-led workshops and custom programs, based on our free readiness framework.

We prepare your organization for digital-agile transformation

Only human centered, customer value focused and change aware businesses stand a chance in the digital era. We prepare you and your organization to be ready for change, so you can drive change inside your organization even in our absence. We prepare you by transferring know-how and experience in a way you become confident and willing to change. We give you a framework of mindset, theories, disciplines, principles, methods and tools.

Read·i·ness    /'rɛdɪnəs/ noun

: the state of being fully prepared for something

: willingness to act

Focusing on the midmarket and digital service providers

Although our approach is size agnostic, we focus on the mid-market and their service providers, where we can achieve a bigger impact. Custom readiness programs can be mixed and matched from our products to fit any company size and any budget. Our framework has been applied to startups of fifteen to corporations of twelve thousand.

Small & Medium Business

Transformation of small and medium organizations, where the owners are significantly closer to the management, has a higher succes rate. They usually embrace real agility sooner, positively impacting their bottom line.

Digital Service Provider

Software companies and other service providers need to adapt their culture to match the culture of their newly transformed digital-agile clients. Our founders have significant experience in providing agile IT services.

Startup & Scaleup

Even digitally adept tech startups may benefit from our readiness programs and experience, especially when it comes to scaling. Our flexible product range can be adapted to fit the tight budgets of startups.

Large Enterprise

Large organizations may face a significant challenge in digitalization, as their culture is usually far from what is ideal for digital readiness. Our exeperts have experience with large organizations and are able to help executives drive change.

A killer product mix based on a free framework

Understanding the digital-agile world can be quite a challenge for many managers. We help organizations see the challenge in a broader picture, by combining our experience and science into a free framework, supported by a mix of commercial services backed up by our purpose driven culture.


We have combined our 25 years of experience with the latest scientific findings on human behaviour and technology.

Free Framework

We have put this experience into a free framework so anyone can access the know-how and benefit from it.

Product Mix

We offer several services, blended courses, games and custom programs supporting leaders in implementing our readiness framework.


We have created a strong culture based on core values we never give up, so you can make sure we fit yours.

A framework of strategic alignment, motivation and agility

Digital Readiness Framework is a practical business architecture framework for enhanced strategic alignment, agility and motivation in the digital era. Find out how we think about companies, people, strategy and digital-agile transformation.

Mixing digital and traditional knowledge-transfer for great price

We prefer teaching by doing, so we facilitate events, hold hands-on workshops and run custom transforamtion programs. We prepare you to apply the right mindset, theories, disciplines, principles, frameworks, methods and tools. We teach your team the building blocks of the Digital Readiness Framework combining traditional expert led and economical digital learning.

Different from what you learn in most business schools

Digital and agile go hand in hand. Agile transformation is inescapable for successful digital transformation. A decade of first-hand experience has formed our views about change, digitalization and agility to be quite different from what is taught in most schools or even MBA programs.

Drive your own
Prepare to drive change inside your organization rather than outsourcing it.
Focus on the
Focus on mindset change rather than processes and methodologies.
Change the
Change the framework and transformation in people will follow.
Use an integrative
Combine different frameworks, tools and principles to form an effective system.
Speed up
People and organizations can change faster than we tend to think.
Use a holistic
Deal with the entire organization at once, rather than forming islands.
Andrew Berczeli intrapreneur co-founder
Andrew Berczeli
Thomas Biro

We have an impact

We have a passion for learning and sharing what we know.
As a result of our work, many people have found meaning in the digital-agile world.

25 000 employees aligned

Our OKR based strategic alignment framework provides agility and effiency to thousands of employees in companies large and small.

€4 billion revenue

Over four billion euros revenue has been creatied by companies using our framework, delivered by professionals we trained.

2000 professionals ready

Our readiness courses have prepared many for business agility and specific agile roles across dozens of industries.

€100 million valuation

Our founders have a track record of building businesses of high valuation in the fintech sector, as startuppers and intrapreneurs.

More than classrom knowledge

Our founders and experts have worked for decades building their own and advising other companies. We value theoretical knowledge, but real life experience - especially failure - is unbeatable.


Superior specialists for a reasonable fee

The best specialist rarely take full time consultant jobs, so we hire them on demand.
This way you can work with the best fit for the job and you don’t have to pay for their idle time.

Independent but aligned expertise

We thrive in excellence, so we work based on the Digital Readiness Framework to provide alignment.
Our experts work under the supervision of a board of core experts, led by Thomas Biro,
co-founder of Barion and Digital Readiness Institute, author of Digital Readiness Framework.

Is your organization ready? Take the assessment.

Let our team of experts assess your organization’s readiness.
It only takes 90 minutes to fill out our questionnaire and within a few days our team will provide you with a detailed report.
We give you one month of online consultancy as a gift.

Score Card

A single page infographic with scores of 1 to 5 on each of the 12 areas of Digital Readiness.

Executive Summary

A one pager containing a summary of our findings ready to be sent to top executives or board members.

Detailed Report

A five to ten page detailed report on our findings, with tips on improvment opportunities.

Online Consultation

One month access to our online workspace where you can discuss the report with our experts.

Let’s talk

We invite you to a free discussion on your digital readiness.