Is you organization ready to capitalize on digital technology? Are your leaders ready to apply digital? What are the challenges you face? Take our online assessment for a small investment of $200.
Our cross-functional team of experts will prepare a report on your digital readiness. It only takes 90 minutes to fill out our questionnaire and within a few days our experts will provide you with a detailed report and one month of free consultancy.
Your report will be prepared within 10 days from answering our questions. In the next month, our experts will discuss the report with you in our online workspace. No credit card required for sign-up.
We believe in transparency and candor. If you are not satisfied with our report, we will not issue an invoice and no payment is required. The only thing you need to do is to give an explanation so we can learn.
We have a passion for learning and sharing what we know. As a result of our work, many people have found meaning in the digital-agile world.
Our founders have worked for decades building their own and advising other companies.
Our experts have worked for decades building their own and advising other companies.
Digital Readiness Framework is a practical business architecture framework for enhanced strategic alignment, agility and motivation in the digital era. Your assessemnt will be based on the 12 areas of business architetcure covered, focusing on their interconnection and interdependence, how they fit together as an integrative and holistic system.
This is not an automated assessment, our experts will invite you to an online workspace and ask questions. It only takes 90 minutes to fill out our questionnaire and within a few days our experts will provide you with a detailed report. After you read your report, you have one month access to our experts to discuss their findings.